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Eagle Scout honors the past

Dec 16, 2023Dec 16, 2023

TEWKSBURY — Noah Brooks comes from a long line of family who has taken the path of military service, and the Shaw­sheen Tech freshman is honoring that service, and those of others, through his Eagle Scout project this year.

When Brooks, a Troop 47 scout, learned that the 1943 U.S. Naval 3-inch deck gun, which had been on display at the DAV on Pond Street, was recently moved to the East Street cemetery, Brooks had an idea.

The gun, which was in poor condition, had been placed on some asphalt in the veterans’ portion of the cemetery. Brooks felt the gun was not presentable in its current condition, and that the multi-ton apparatus would sink into the pavement.

"Memorial Day and Vet­erans Day ceremonies hap­pen here," said Brooks, who set about getting volunteers and donations to restore the gun.

Brooks created a plan for the memorial, which in­cluded sandblasting and re­painting the gun, pouring a concrete pad, framing it with sustainable ma­terials, and designing a planting bed and plaque to explain the installation and honor those who have served in the armed for­ces.

Brooks created a deck surround for the gun, li­kening it to a ship's deck. Brooks researched the proper way to restore the gun, securing donations for sandblasting, a rigger to lift the gun into place, paint, and other building materials.

Friends, family and oth­er troop members worked to restore not only the gun, but three benches that dot that area of the cemetery. The benches were sanded and painted, creating a fresh, friendly area for those who visit. Any damaged or rotten wood was replaced. Later, another bench was also restored.

Brooks tapped Peter Ca­masso from Minuteman Mobile Blasting to donate his services to sandblast the gun and Thomas McGa­hee from Sacco Special­ized Moving who donated his rigging services to move the gun. Lansing Building Supply donated all the PVC decking for the project and Brooks thanks Aubuchon Hard­ware for donating the painting supplies.

Bill Klindt of BK Spe­cialties donated the paint for the gun and J.G.MacLellan gave Brooks a discount on concrete, while Keith Brooks Construc­tion and WWD/Wilming­ton Win­dow and Door do­nated additional funds and supplies for the project.

Brooks has been working on the project since the summer and is pleased with the spruced up veteran's area. Brooks wants remembrances to be proud and joyful, full of honor and respect for the men and women who have served in the armed for­ces, and it looks like he has achieved that.

The cemetery is located at 172 East St., Tewksbury.

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